The Emerging Framework of World Power

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    Artists: Noam Chomsky
    Genre: Music
    Price: $13.99 USD
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    Track Listing: 1. Historical Significance of 9-11, 2. Latin American Victims of State Terror Respond to 9-11, 3. Turkey and Repression, 4. U.S. Lehanon and Israel, The, 5. Wars on Terror, Old and Now-and Orwellian Doublespeak, 6. Israel, The U.S. And the Geneva Convention, 7. Good Terrorists, Bad Terrorists, And Monied Muslims’, 8. Why Do They Hate Us? / Pouring Oil On Troubled Waters / Then And Now , 9. Latin America, The U.S. And Globalization, 10. Same Foreign Policy, Same Armaments / Different Pretext , 11. Problems With Iraq, The, 12. Middle East: Maps, Plans and Peace, 13. Justic and the Emerging Framework, 14. Venzuela, Coups and Democracy, 15. Peace, Land and the West Bank, 16. China: U.S. Hopes and Fears, 17. U.S.-The Impediment to Peace in the Middle East, 18. U.S. Doctrinal Constraints on Middle East Peace, 19. Big Business And The General Population / A Nation Divided

    Label: Alternative Tentacles – I.D.#: 9464827
    Category: Entertainment > Music
    Format: CD
    Available On/Offline:YES / NO
    In stock: YES
    Condition: New
    UPC: 7.22E+11
    SKU: 13545782


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